Saturday, July 23, 2011

At The Cross Road

One fatal car-bus-semi accident, several detours and some lazy meandering on some fine NY State background, we are here at the cross roads of Sweet Street and Route 117 high on the Tug Hill Plateau.

This is where the snow starts falling in September and ends in May. Barnes Corners sets records for snow drifts that reach the second story windows of weathered homes.

Dairy cows are the primary source of income.(Snow plowing may be a close second.) Imagine what it is like getting up for the 3 a.m. milking in February.

Wind turbines have brought new prosperity to the bleak economic landscape as well as much controversy. Each year the number of turbines seems to increase. We are lulled by their sleek beauty and gentle hiss. We stop to stare as only tourists can.

I don't know all the pros and cons of these power generators, but I do appreciate the wealth they bringing to the landowners making their way on this hard-scrabble terrain. I don't know if Sweet Street is a new addition, but it seems an appropriate addition.

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