Sunday, February 5, 2012

January, February, Summer

Mr501 knits in the backyard on a sunny, 46-degree February day. Certainly a day to enjoy. At least Mr501 wasn''t asking where are his shorts? Hidden. Very well hidden.

Saw The Descendants', George Clooney's latest film set in a Hawaii. Great movie, beautiful weather. Visions of Hawaii combined with today's Ohio weather reality makes a move to warmer climates an option worth pondering. Goodbye woolies, goodbye snow. Hello pineapples. Options are always good.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

You Can Never Be Too Old.

Dorothy's Singer 500 tuned up and ready to sew.

Today is my mother's birthday. She would be 89. As Dorothy would have said, "Wow! I've got a lot of years on me."

My inner Dorothy has been nagging me for the past year to resume sewing. It was Dorothy's passion. I had a love-hate relationship with a needle and thread.

Dorothy gave me a sewing machine when I graduated from high school. It has traveled around the world, but spent the greater part of life in a packing box.

When Dorothy died I got her old sewing machine. I picked it up from the repair shop yesterday in tip-top condition and ready for me.

I was going to put flowers on Dorothy's grave, but she was never much of a flower person. Instead, I enrolled in a sewing class. I think Dorothy would like that. Her legacy lives on. Happy birthday, mom!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Today's Pink Boots

We are off to the Saratoga Race Course. This is the biggie. More important than attendance is the "handle," the amount of money bet. The first week's on-track handle totals more than $11 million, up 10 percent from last year. As a gauge of the economy, some folks have money to burn. I have $20 to burn and lots of gigabytes available to capture the action. 

No one here watches CNN. OTBTV is the viewer's choice. Numbers running under the screen look like the ticker on the NYSE. So much to learn.

Who wins today? CalmAfterTheStorm, Winter Memories, Little Miss Holly, More Than Real?

Racetrack tips advise dressing comfortably, though I know that clubhouse crew will  be outfitted to the nines - hats, sun dresses, strappy sandals - you get the picture, put together in a monied sort of way. What I lack in designer wear will be replaced by style points. Today's pink cowboy boots are flip flops. I had an epiphany after spending countless hours in the car - shoes don't make the woman, the woman makes the shoes!

What pink boots are you wearing today?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Breakfast Club

Slept in a fluffy bed and now caffeinating with the someone behind the paper. Have not heard the news in about five days and not sure I've been harmed by the experience.

My knitting has improved considerably and I am plowing my way through a book. Where is my inner whirling dervish?

Oh, that is right - the WD is behind the newspaper.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

At The Cross Road

One fatal car-bus-semi accident, several detours and some lazy meandering on some fine NY State background, we are here at the cross roads of Sweet Street and Route 117 high on the Tug Hill Plateau.

This is where the snow starts falling in September and ends in May. Barnes Corners sets records for snow drifts that reach the second story windows of weathered homes.

Dairy cows are the primary source of income.(Snow plowing may be a close second.) Imagine what it is like getting up for the 3 a.m. milking in February.

Wind turbines have brought new prosperity to the bleak economic landscape as well as much controversy. Each year the number of turbines seems to increase. We are lulled by their sleek beauty and gentle hiss. We stop to stare as only tourists can.

I don't know all the pros and cons of these power generators, but I do appreciate the wealth they bringing to the landowners making their way on this hard-scrabble terrain. I don't know if Sweet Street is a new addition, but it seems an appropriate addition.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Laundry To Go

Sad to say a few things fell off my mental packing list. Time will tell if those "necessities" were truly necessary. I am certain the extra sparkly, dangly earrings I packed will fill in nicely for anything left behind for this back-to-nature mountain vacation.

Mr501 was mildly put off when I clumped down the front steps with an armload of wet laundry and proceeded to set up a drying station in the hatchback. He flipped the wet clothing at the first rest stop. What would you do with a car filled with 100-degree heat?

Next concern: Where to set up the ironing board? Hmmmmm.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How Is Your Day?

I can't wipe the grin off my face! If you're smiling, give a thumb up.