Sunday, August 7, 2011

You Can Never Be Too Old.

Dorothy's Singer 500 tuned up and ready to sew.

Today is my mother's birthday. She would be 89. As Dorothy would have said, "Wow! I've got a lot of years on me."

My inner Dorothy has been nagging me for the past year to resume sewing. It was Dorothy's passion. I had a love-hate relationship with a needle and thread.

Dorothy gave me a sewing machine when I graduated from high school. It has traveled around the world, but spent the greater part of life in a packing box.

When Dorothy died I got her old sewing machine. I picked it up from the repair shop yesterday in tip-top condition and ready for me.

I was going to put flowers on Dorothy's grave, but she was never much of a flower person. Instead, I enrolled in a sewing class. I think Dorothy would like that. Her legacy lives on. Happy birthday, mom!